Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling...

Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Honu 70.3 2012, the only thing that sucked was the wind!

I'm soooo late with this post, ugh slacker!!!! 
No wonder I always got Bs and Cs in English...hated to write! least i could spell! (now watch, i'll totally misspell something right now!)

Hawaii doesnt suck. Seriously.

We sunbathed at the pool.

Even when its sooo windy you ride sideways, wish i had a photo like Lance.

small craft advisory on race day. seriously?!

We ate.

We had our posse in town with us.

We swam, sometimes with turtles. (where were all these dolphins everyone was chillin with?)

omg, this swim skin is sooo're missing out if your aren't in it.

We raced.

32:00 swim, 2:49 bike, and a awful 1:57 run, winds were cruel 44mph race day.

I got a cool new bowl for oatmeal. (just kidding, i think some sunglasses are in it right now)

5th AG

got some more stupid a** blisters, like usual...cant wait to try my new secret weapon...

We drank.

...ok, non-alcoholic mostly...i'm not that fun. :)

We ate some more, oh and shopped!

Life is good, Hawaii style.

Big big thankyous to our amazing old friends, and thankful to have made 
some great new ones as well! We couldn't have had more fun, or had such a
great trip without you! XOXOXOXO

my first DNF, Vineman 2012

i never thought i would have a DNF on my race resume. Such a weird feeling, ive hobbled to finishes before, with my feet bleeding thru my shoes..i have friends who rip their behinds and faces off and finish Ironmans' seriously i thought i was immune! God works in mysterious ways. 
Is this to teach me that even if you are having the race of your life, do not ever take advantage of life's little success's along the way? me thinks so. i was taking advantage. I definitely was frustrated that I wasnt riding faster, to hold those runner girls off my booty on the run. I wasnt thrilled that I had come out of the water with a 6 minute pr. I mean gosh, i swam a 26:42! WTH! I just kept thinking, dont let THOSE girls catch YOU! I was at 2:22 at mile 52 on my bike...well i think i was the last number i remember before superman'in into the street...then i forgot to shut off my watch because i was bleeding sooo bad! 

Since i'm a list maker, cause i forget to do nearly everything...heres a few i wrote up...

I am now grateful to: 

1. not have any bones broken
2. be a fast-ish deep road rash is healing sorta fast, and bruises are deep, but i'll be back in no time i think
3. have super great team mates that are loanin me a new team tri top to race again!

stuff that died that day:

1. need new helmet. darn thing did its job! Thanks Rudy Project!
2. new pedals. good lawd, deep gashes in metal...didn't think that was possible. 
3. shoes pretty scratched up. questionable.
4. Poor little pocket rocket got some good road rash too. need to take her in for a good once over. :(
5. My new pink Oakley radars, I just got at Echelon (thanks Mariko!!!!!) caught a few scratches too...shit.
6. My goal of Vegas was shot to sh**.

I am desperate to:

1. jump in the pool!
2. run on my banged knee and ankle!
3. get dirty and sweat!
4. grab damn near anything-hard! (handlebars at the top of this list!)

So, what i've learned this week is: 

1. stop and smell the roses a bit more.
2. Have a backup to your backup plan. Don't completely rely on 2 races to get you your goal. just cause its worked before, doesn't mean it can happen every year.
3. Windsor, CA and surrounding areas have shitty ass roads. There will be HUGE unmarked jumps in the road. if you haven't hit one, you may soon. truth is brutal, sorry. I hit the jump (which crosses the whole road...), launched into the air, and got my front wheel stuck in a poorly patched crack in the road. FAIL to windsor on that patch job. Every athlete I talk to say the roads get worse every year. bummer for the Vineman race, cause its pretty much badass, hope they aren't paying too much for their permits.
4. Take more photos. Here's a few fun ones for your amusement.

Found a honky tonk bar in friday, thought this was funny. moooooo!

Thanks ORCA for the fastest swim yet! WHOOP WHOOP!

Red was ready to zoom zoom!

photo courtesy of my teammate dusty, think this is about mile 40?

ahhhhhh, back in aero.

cyclocross at mile 52 put me here. 

this is pretty much just a huge hole.

and another hole. they insert spikes in the pavement? wth! 

high as a kite. thankgod.

pouty face, owie shoulder.

 OMG! PLEASE NO MORE! F**********!

 PHEW! Time for bandaids. 

Turning in the timing chip. I wrangled up a smile between the cry baby sobs.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Love, Love, lots of Love.

Sending out lots of shameless love...

 A bit about some sponsors and a bit about me! :) Cause holy smokes, I've been blessed lately with the best gear!

For my super safe night running, I have these tattoo running tights from Relax Reflect that are soft, and super shiny! I  top them off with this super cute shrug that is covered in stars. Cars must think I'm nuts with how bright I shine in their headlights as i run through Los Alamitos and Naples. *smile* When it gets warmer at night I'll try out my running shirts they made me, pics will follow, their fabric makes me happy.

 Then I got a super special package from Orca in the mail. Yowza, its purdy.
The *new* Alpha. Holy Mole' is it cool! Solid 40 cell Yamamoto stretchy rubber, in pretty much every spot you need it, and buoyancy panels covering the back and booty to 'pop' you up perfectly in the water. Speedy fast. I had the pleasure of testing it out today! Best part? Its half the cost of the competition! :)  Check it out, it's worth the time. Amazing suit. More Love.

boys needed a swim, i tagged along...

nerdy girl! freezin water!

Me....hmmm...well, I Race(d) on the Base at the end of Feb...pretty cool. A reverse sprint tri, what a concept! Won...well we all thought i won!

 Learned a big lesson here. Do not underestimate the next wave. There will be fast people in it. Don't lay off on your hammer sesh on the bike just because you are in front of your wave. (There were only two waves afterall!!!)

I ended up getting 2nd overall female that day, I lost to a very speedy 50-something lady. What a nice gal too, I wanna be like her when I'm 50-ish. She was a true gem. All in all, a damn good day. 

Got on our local news station, kinda funny, I am so glad they edited my rambling...I can only imagine what they were thinking. Ha! Anywho, still won my age group by like 4 minutes, that was cool.

channel 3...hee hee....

Headed out to Palm Desert for the second time in a week, to check on my grandpa. Tough guy got a new aortic valve replacement. 5 days after surgery, he's ready to take the new cow valve home. So crazy. My grams is doing a great job taking care of him, but its nice to get her car washed and do both of their hair--and create a sense of normalcy. Having us underfoot drives her a bit crazy, so we took off after one overnight, to get our selves back to normal--well its been batty here too--more on that to come when I know more.

Amazing Palm Desert city pool!! 

Bummed I couldn't make it out to the desert for a 3rd time in a week and a half to watch my team mates race and Rock the W,  but hopefully I will hook up with them sooner than later! Congrats to all the success and podiums the Watties had to date...theres more to come! Way to go peeps, you are amazing and a inspiration! Heres to a super fun march! Less crazy for me and much more fun!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy bee!

Ahhhhh running....never been my favorite. However, this year has come a long way already!!! I don't feel like a flopping fish dying for air (last season I was a wreck, with a long recovery!). 

 It's awesome, between the road, track, and the treadmill workouts I am holding a dang good pace and my form is stronger! Bout dang time I'll say!

Doesn't come without pain. No pain no gain right? Yeah, we'll "god give me strength" has been my latest prayer. Over and over and over. Heh, I want a faster half marry so bad! 

So....whenever I read all my new teammates inspiring tweets and fb posts, and drop my jaw with jealousy! ;) 

I refer to my second favorite quote, "never, never, never give up"!

Running so much has my calves begging for forgiveness, and I'm that nerdy girl who wears her Orca compression sleeves for nearly every run! maybe this year it will look like I have calves since I've been using them so much, whoop whoop! 3 cheers for calves and wimpy skinny ankles! Zoot sneakers keep me zoom zoomin! Off to go play some more and Rock the W! Maybe I'll figure out a post for my awkward fun with the trx adventures. Any suggestions for a inspiring mantra to get thru trx pain? :)