Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling...

Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

End of Season, Lots to Sum up!!!

As usual I mean well.
Like I ALWAYS mean WELL.
Unlike other awesome type A athletes, I get forgetful, and things get forgotten about...then brushed under the procrastination rug...then all of a sudden its months later, and I haven't logged anything...written anything...or scheduled those important things, that I was asked to do.

UGH! My battle is trying to balance juggle travelling for work, training, getting my coaching certifications done, racing, social networking, the wifely duties, and maintaining friendships! Something always suffers! Jobs get done, they may not get written down. I may still be trying to drive to Santa Ana to get our wedding certificate, so that I can get my California License...yes, its been WAY too long...I know...I am wondering how all those Super Women do it?! What's the secret? Do they have 26 hours in the day? Do they not have insomnia, so they are still awake at 3am?!

WTF am I missing?

So, without any further procrastination, I bring you one uber long blog post summing up World Champs in September....all the way to HITS in December...with a few more victories in between. All GOOD fun. :) So tighten up your bootstraps, and get ready for the long haul....

Vegas, was as usual, warm and dry....well till the last of monsoon season blew thru....I spent several days before road tripping out there with my fab friend Sara (most tolerant person in the world...and was there for me cheering during my first Olympic race...well over 6+ years ago). We shopped, sunned a bit, and walked around the strip enjoying the 'sights' and people watching. SO FUN!

Race day came fast, and it was pouring. I mean CRAZY rain. GOOD heavens....they opened right up.
Last minute drama of course with my FAB bike though, and had to replace my rear zipp...went flat the night before on the way to check in. GREAT.

Moving on to was like a milkshake out there...thick, gritty, and disgusting. I had the worst time sighting and getting thru the chop, I decided it was not going to be my swim and just deal with the crap.

Jumped on my bike, and quickly discovered that I had ZERO rear brakes...(all I can figure is the mechanic forgot to tighten them back up when replacing the wheel...) and on a hilly, river-runs-thru it race course...I was freaked out. I zoomed by kev and let him know the issue...then things really went downhill...

I found a mechanic on the highway, and had her take a look...she told me aside from re-cabling...there was nothing she could do....ugh!  THEN....rode 3 miles further into the park...hit something under water on the road...and my seat fell down! GRRRRRR! SO, I stop...AGAIN...punch it with my fist back into position...jump back on...HIT ANOTHER BUMP....and it falls again...but this time my front tire goes flat!
GRRRRRR.....What the Heck!

I took this as a sign. Someone didn't want me racing that day. Hopefully the BIG GUY was looking out for me.
So, my first mechanical DNF happened. At the BIGGEST race of the year. I'm still super bummed about it.

Which is why I kicked my own butt to get after the next couple races......

Big Rock Triathlon in Lake Perris, CA was so fun! We drove out and stayed with Kev's brother Ryan, who totally took care of me with my crazy upset tummy! I had a bout of food poisoning that was really bumming me out!
Quick summary....

Lake swim was awesome! Short, and fast! 1st girl out of the water, thanks to my NEW 1.5 Alpha of course, and onto the bike.

Bike was a fast and rolling 12. 3 loops of up-up-up....then DOWN!!!!!! Super FUN! Ordu, well, she's ridiculously fast. Love love love riding her. (yes, I call my Ordu a female. duh. She's gotten me like 4 wins this year on the bike portions. So yeah, she's a bada$$ reliable girl.)

Came off the bike first...and was holding onto the run...averaging 7:15s wasn't my best day ever...but I've never really been a sprinter...but I still ended up winning by a couple minutes. Which makes me super happy since that's a first for me! Fast twitch here I come!

Local growing reverse triathlon, that's just a extra bit long on the run and bike, to make up for the short pool swim. You run-run-run uphill....then have a nice little downhill. 2 Loops. Jeez I was beat, but came in first woman on the run! YAY!

3 loops of the square bike course is almost the same as the run course, except you try to fly over like 6 speedbumps all without losing your bottles and teeth over one side of the square, think cyclocross on a TT bike... 1st loop I overshot a turn...rode an extra mile or more when I realized no one was out there with me....hmmmm....spent the last two loops catching up...and the last second of course! performed a wing ding move when I hit my front brake too hard and somersaulted off my bike into transition....NICE....good one H.

Still running I pick up my bike, rack it, and grab my stuff to swim...all while trying to beat #2 to the pool. I threw on my cap...over my bike glasses! WHAT!? TAKE OFF YOUR OAKLEYS....nerd.
So I threw them on the pool deck, put on my goggles, and busted out the swim....all while wearing my number...which feels like a parachute when swimming with it....another not-so-good idea...
Jumped out, ran to the finish line .1 mi away, and won. With all the dumb moves I made...I'm honestly shocked I didn't blow it....we all had a good laugh about it anyway.

Learning experience! WE ALL NEED THESE CRAZY DAYS! It was a fun race. I got to race with my friends and training partners, and lots of fast kids from our junior tri team. It was a great day, everyone had great success!!

HITS Palm Springs in December was the coldest race I have ever done! However, it is the one I also feel the best about on my run!
The water was about 58....ugh! BRRRRRRRRRR! I decided that I would forgo the water 'warmup', and go run the beach a couple times instead, to get super hot in my suit...and jump in at the very last second. So I jumped in at the one minute till start mark. It took my breath away. HOLY H***, I have to do TWO FRIGGIN loops of this course?????? Anyway, the sun was out, we swam...I got off course...TWICE...swimming into the sun-I swept way too wide...swam about 1.2 in 31 minutes or so. NEAT.

Out of the water in 8th.
GREAT. <---Sarcasm, if you didn't catch it.
Inventory. 2 hands. yes, they are still attached. Okay, now how do I get this wetsuit off with steel posts at the end of my shoulders????? Kev unzipped me, and a volunteer stripped the suit off.
SWEET. <---More sarcasm.....
Trying to warm my body, I put on a jacket before heading out on the bike...I was convinced the zipper was I borrowed a jacket from our teammate Barry to get warm...Thankgoodness, for this coat. I warmed up in the first several miles and settle in...with my new coat that is quickly becoming a sail. I find out later its a XL. HAHA, nice...It did its job though, and I'm sooo grateful!
Came in 1st by a thread on the bike...and out onto the run...the hubbs tells me that 2nd came in right after I decide to run like my hair is on fire. My watch decided to freeze, much like my feet, so I had no idea how fast I was moving...built 4:30 on 2nd place in the first 3.1 miles, (from the hubbs' watch) and kept up the pace thru the last. Won overall by 9 minutes...shocked and completely stoked to find out I was averaging 6:40s/mile. BIG thanks to coach Kenz, she's deserving of all that credit.

Taking a couple weeks off, getting the mojo back to gear up for next year. Hoping for more success and even more memories and good times.

I have lots of exciting relationships, I feel completely blessed, and cannot wait to play more for them all next year!!!!

Huge THANKYOUS for the amazing support and faith this year to;

Orbea Bicycles-The best ride out there....if you haven't tried one, you're missing out.

Orca- BAR NONE the best wetsuits and swim skins I've ever raced and trained in. They have patented the most flexible rubber you can get in a beats a few $1200 suits out there ;)

Osmo Hydration- Best racing and training year yet nutritionally...we all know how hard it is to find that proper balance between salts and sugars...without getting gut-rot while pushing to your limits. Plus it's Yummy.

Pro Bike Supply- They specialize in building the best bikes with the best parts you could ever dream of...and darn they are great guys.

Honey Stinger- YUM. Gels, Chews, Bars. Oh my goodness. No refined sugar to make my tummy hurt, and they are Organic! Best racing food!

Relax Reflect- New Designs, and super soft fabric to train in early am or evening! Be seen in their reflective wear!

Nate at Ero Sports-Located at LA Velodrome, he is a super knowledgeable Retul fitter-trained by the best! I've never felt better in my aero position! Love him!

I love these brands so much, all I ask is that you all support them where you can. :) Show the love, Spread the love.

Cheers to a upcoming great 2014. All my best wishes to you and yours, and Happy Racing!!!