Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling...

Life is like riding a bicycle, you don't fall off unless you stop pedalling....

Friday, July 20, 2012

my first DNF, Vineman 2012

i never thought i would have a DNF on my race resume. Such a weird feeling, ive hobbled to finishes before, with my feet bleeding thru my shoes..i have friends who rip their behinds and faces off and finish Ironmans' seriously i thought i was immune! God works in mysterious ways. 
Is this to teach me that even if you are having the race of your life, do not ever take advantage of life's little success's along the way? me thinks so. i was taking advantage. I definitely was frustrated that I wasnt riding faster, to hold those runner girls off my booty on the run. I wasnt thrilled that I had come out of the water with a 6 minute pr. I mean gosh, i swam a 26:42! WTH! I just kept thinking, dont let THOSE girls catch YOU! I was at 2:22 at mile 52 on my bike...well i think i was the last number i remember before superman'in into the street...then i forgot to shut off my watch because i was bleeding sooo bad! 

Since i'm a list maker, cause i forget to do nearly everything...heres a few i wrote up...

I am now grateful to: 

1. not have any bones broken
2. be a fast-ish deep road rash is healing sorta fast, and bruises are deep, but i'll be back in no time i think
3. have super great team mates that are loanin me a new team tri top to race again!

stuff that died that day:

1. need new helmet. darn thing did its job! Thanks Rudy Project!
2. new pedals. good lawd, deep gashes in metal...didn't think that was possible. 
3. shoes pretty scratched up. questionable.
4. Poor little pocket rocket got some good road rash too. need to take her in for a good once over. :(
5. My new pink Oakley radars, I just got at Echelon (thanks Mariko!!!!!) caught a few scratches too...shit.
6. My goal of Vegas was shot to sh**.

I am desperate to:

1. jump in the pool!
2. run on my banged knee and ankle!
3. get dirty and sweat!
4. grab damn near anything-hard! (handlebars at the top of this list!)

So, what i've learned this week is: 

1. stop and smell the roses a bit more.
2. Have a backup to your backup plan. Don't completely rely on 2 races to get you your goal. just cause its worked before, doesn't mean it can happen every year.
3. Windsor, CA and surrounding areas have shitty ass roads. There will be HUGE unmarked jumps in the road. if you haven't hit one, you may soon. truth is brutal, sorry. I hit the jump (which crosses the whole road...), launched into the air, and got my front wheel stuck in a poorly patched crack in the road. FAIL to windsor on that patch job. Every athlete I talk to say the roads get worse every year. bummer for the Vineman race, cause its pretty much badass, hope they aren't paying too much for their permits.
4. Take more photos. Here's a few fun ones for your amusement.

Found a honky tonk bar in friday, thought this was funny. moooooo!

Thanks ORCA for the fastest swim yet! WHOOP WHOOP!

Red was ready to zoom zoom!

photo courtesy of my teammate dusty, think this is about mile 40?

ahhhhhh, back in aero.

cyclocross at mile 52 put me here. 

this is pretty much just a huge hole.

and another hole. they insert spikes in the pavement? wth! 

high as a kite. thankgod.

pouty face, owie shoulder.

 OMG! PLEASE NO MORE! F**********!

 PHEW! Time for bandaids. 

Turning in the timing chip. I wrangled up a smile between the cry baby sobs.

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